Feather Touch Entertainment, producers of “Thadayara Thaaka”, has sued “Prachi Desai” for running away from the project after signing a film with Arun Vijay. The actor has not had immense success for more than a decade and a half but still he gets one or two films a year.
This time, director Magizh Thirumeni, of Mundhinam Paarthaenaey, had signed actor Arun Vijay for “Thadayara Thaaka”. It is said that the production house had only paid Rs. 1 lakh as advance to Prachi Desai but they had sent out a legal notice stating the losses met due to the signing of the actress and her running away from the film.
They had listed out the actual losses incurred due to the actress’s behavior. Meanwhile, they have also been hunting for other actresses from the north instead of waiting fruitlessly for Prachi Desai to return. A Delhi based model by the name Rahul Preethi Singh will also play a pivotal role in the movie.
This time, director Magizh Thirumeni, of Mundhinam Paarthaenaey, had signed actor Arun Vijay for “Thadayara Thaaka”. It is said that the production house had only paid Rs. 1 lakh as advance to Prachi Desai but they had sent out a legal notice stating the losses met due to the signing of the actress and her running away from the film.
They had listed out the actual losses incurred due to the actress’s behavior. Meanwhile, they have also been hunting for other actresses from the north instead of waiting fruitlessly for Prachi Desai to return. A Delhi based model by the name Rahul Preethi Singh will also play a pivotal role in the movie.
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