With Magadheera poised for a record setting run in Tollywood, the heroine in that movie Kajal Agarwal is getting due recognition in the industry. She has played only a few roles and her mercury is shooting up rapidly. Kajal Agarwal got fame with her performance in Naan Mahan Alla with Karthi.
She is now booked for the next venture from K.V Anand pairing Surya in Maatran. But a controversy looms over her speech in the Bollywood. The Hindi version of the runaway Tamil hit Singam is planned and Kajal Agawal has been offered the opportunity.
During a press meet regarding this movie she expressed a statement that she did not felt a particular language actress but as one belonging to all languages. This irked the sentiments of the Tamil audience who broke against her . They said Kajal Agarwal shot into fame only through Tamil movies and after getting chance in Hindi she underestimates the Kollywood.
Hence they expressed their anger that she should not be offered any Tamil movies hereafter. A staunch supporting team of a religion is dead against this statement from Kajal Agarwal. Would she resort to pacify this audience?
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She is now booked for the next venture from K.V Anand pairing Surya in Maatran. But a controversy looms over her speech in the Bollywood. The Hindi version of the runaway Tamil hit Singam is planned and Kajal Agawal has been offered the opportunity.
During a press meet regarding this movie she expressed a statement that she did not felt a particular language actress but as one belonging to all languages. This irked the sentiments of the Tamil audience who broke against her . They said Kajal Agarwal shot into fame only through Tamil movies and after getting chance in Hindi she underestimates the Kollywood.
Hence they expressed their anger that she should not be offered any Tamil movies hereafter. A staunch supporting team of a religion is dead against this statement from Kajal Agarwal. Would she resort to pacify this audience?
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