After the success of Vinnai Thaandi Varuvaya actor Simbu was about to do a film Vettai for director Lingusamy. Simbhu had a wish to work with Tamanna for this film, but at last the film went off from his hand. So Simbhu let out a notice to Lingusamy and also arranged a press meet about his next film Vettai Mannan.
But now another issue has arisen regarding Vettai and Vettai Mannan by Tamanna. For Vettai film, director Lingusamy have decided to pair up Tamanna for Arya. But at the same time for the film Vettai Mannan, Simbu is taking steps to work with Tamanna. So Tamanna is in a dilemma about signing for these offers.
By knowing the policy of Tamanna, Simbu have decided to give the money she demands and have started their discussion about the film.
But now another issue has arisen regarding Vettai and Vettai Mannan by Tamanna. For Vettai film, director Lingusamy have decided to pair up Tamanna for Arya. But at the same time for the film Vettai Mannan, Simbu is taking steps to work with Tamanna. So Tamanna is in a dilemma about signing for these offers.
By knowing the policy of Tamanna, Simbu have decided to give the money she demands and have started their discussion about the film.
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